Sunday, October 30, 2011

Building a Healthy Relationship

A few dating and relationship tips.
          "Live your life not his"
Guys are attracted to self dependent ladies; guys admire a woman with intelligence and integrity.  Living your life dedicated to his schedule and working around his clock is a big no-no. 
Never let him feel comfortable with you accommodating to all of his needs, this will give him control, and may be a tough cycle to break.  Maintain your power, you call the shots.   
          "Show your Brilliance"
Who said it’s not okay to brag once in a while?  Share your accomplishments with your date.  Impress him with your intelligence, your goals and desires.   Express yourself in a polite way, without coming across self-absorbed or full of yourself. 
          "Confidence is the Key"
Confidence is your best friend, and I say this with all my heart.  Confidence equals attractive, attractive equals confidence; hold your head high and show your inner beauty. 
Confidence is quiet, your actions will speak for you.  It’s all about the way you carry yourself, show your cheerfulness, smile, make eye contact.   
A self confident person is aware of their imperfections, but doesn’t let them get in their way or hold them back.  In confident people often rely on other people for reassurance.  This goes back to being independent; dependent, in confident people need their partner to feel whole, rather than complimenting each other.  Confidence is the foundation to building a stable relationship.
Signals of an in confident person-
* Talking about in securities
* Looking for reassurance and compliments
* In need of approval
"Never reward bad behavior"
Is he putting less effort into the relationship, does he seem unconcerned?  Treat him the same as he treats you; give him a taste of his own medicine.  Don’t dish out compliments if you’re getting nothing in return, it’s not fair.  Make him work for your attention.  Females have a tendency to be overly nice which can lead to being taken advantage of.        
"Deal with insecurities"
Everyone has their own insecurities, and that’s okay, it’s normal.  But, before a person can love anyone else, they have to love their self.  Low self esteem can destroy your heart and make you unhappy, and you’re likely to drag your partner down with you.  Accept yourself and love who you are; admire yourself.   
"Be a Challenge"
It’s human nature to want what you can’t have.  Guys often find a chase more challenging, rather than if you appear dedicated to him, desperate or needy.  The key is to be patient and you shall receive.  If a guy feels doubtful or incapable of having you, he is more likely to work harder to get his prize.  Letting him know you’re falling for him right away will most likely cause him to lose interest.


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